Request Certificate
1. Fill in the application form
Please fill in the electronic application form (only available in German or French). In order for the certificate to be awarded, at least 80% of the quality criteria listed in the application form as well as the mandatory criteria must be met.
2. Submit additional documentation
After receipt of the application form, your application will be subject to a formal examination by the office. This takes up to five working days.
You will then be asked to submit the following documents in support of the information provided in the application form:
- Organisation chart hospital/practice
- Tumour board organisation chart incl. tumour board appointments in the current year
- List of responsible specialists according to the tumour board’s compilation with proof of their FMH title or equivalent
- Proof of external further training of nursing staff
- Anonymised tumour board report
- Care network organisation chart
You can find more information in the separate Guide. You are welcome to contact the office at any time for questions and support.
3. Content review by the Certification Committee
Once the office has received the requested documents in full, your application will be forwarded to the Certification Committee (Dr. med. Stéphane Cochet, Prof. Dr. med. Ursula Kapp, Dr. med. Walter Mingrone) for examination of the content. The examination by the Certification Committee usually takes up to 4 weeks.
4. Award of the Certificate
If the evaluation by the Certification Committee is successful, the certification contract and the invoice for the annual fee will be sent to you. A sample contract can be requested from the office at any time. The certificate will be issued as soon as the countersigned contract has arrived at the office and the annual fee has been paid. The certification is published on the SSMO website.
5. Annual renewal of the certificate
The certificate is valid for 1 year. You will automatically receive the necessary documents to apply for renewal 4 weeks before the expiry date (Renew Certificate) . The following quality criteria must be met at the latest at the first renewal of the certificate: A1; B1; B2; B4; B6; C12
Not all documents have to be recreated for renewal of the certificate. Only changes compared to the previous year’s period are reported.
If the application for renewal of the certificate has not been submitted or the annual fee has not been paid by 30 days after expiry, no new certificate will be issued and the certificate will be revoked.